News Details

Introduction on MaGIC


Published by:MaGIC(Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre)
Published Year:2018
Number of Pages:21

MaGIC(Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre) is an innovation and creativity centre to to speedup the industries in Malaysia, and to accelerate the startups growth under the guidance of Malaysian government.

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Table of Contents

The MaGIC Strategic Framework
In this topic, an overview of MaGIC Strategic Framework and Initiatives are listed in detalis.
・Exponential Entrepreneurs
・Innovation Capital
・Collaborative Entrepreneurship

Barriers to Innovation
・In this topic, the barriers and some difficulties for the innovation are listed in details.

MaGIC's Innovation Playbook
・In this topic, the process of Discovery, Crafting, Deplayment and what is needed for the innovation is listed in details.

Our past corporate initialtives.
・In this topic, which the activities which were held by the initiatives are listed in details.

SME Innovation Model(SIM)
・SME Innovation Model is an open innovation platform to help SMEs drive innovation via entrepreneurs and startups while increasing innovation capital into the system and creating a new way of R&D for SME via partnering with innovative entrepreneurs & startups.
1. Challenge Curation
2. Startup Sourcing
3. Selection Process